Skip to main content is open source

· One min read


As part of our continuing drive to make PlayCanvas more open and a better service we've moved the source to our developer resources site: onto GitHub.

This means that the community can be more involved in building tutorials, making sure everything is up-to-date and improving the experience for other PlayCanvas users.

How do I get involved?

Fork it

First take a fork of our GitHub project:

Find problems

If you find problems, bugs, spelling mistakes or any other issue with the developer site. Either let us know via the issue tracker on GitHub project, or if you feel up to it, fix the problems in your fork and send us a pull request.

Create new tutorials

Got an idea for a new tutorial? Great, we'd love to have more tutorials on the site. But, before you spend your hard earned time off creating one let us know what your plans are with a new issue in the GitHub repo, that way we can make sure we're able to help you make the best tutorial possible. And prevents you wasting your time if it's not something that we can use on the site.