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PLAYHACK with PlayJam

· One min read


Did you see our teaser last week? PLAYHACK is back! Our game jam returns in partnership with game publisher PlayJam.

PlayJam Logo

Thanks to PlayJam we've got some great prizes for the best entries.

1st Prize - £2000 2nd Prize - £1000 3rd Prize - £500

Incredible! On top of the healthy bundle of cash, PlayJam are also offering the opportunity to be published on their upcoming mobile games platform. (Not up to speed with our old world currency? £2000 is over US$2800!)

PLAYHACK will kick-off on the 1st of February and run for 6 weeks and they'll be more details coming up. On the 1st, we'll announce a theme and give you access to a set of 3D models to base your game on. So warm up your coding fingers and get yourself familiar with all the new PlayCanvas goodies. Here's a hint, think mobile.


If you're excited about the PLAYHACK game jam, come over to the forum to let us know your ideas.