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PLAYHACK December - Collecting Presents

· 6 min read
Nathan Patel
Technical Blogger

PLAYHACK is our fun monthly game building session. Throughout the month I’ll be posting tips and tricks to help you get a game made by the end of the month. Don’t forget, these are just examples. You can make any game you like. Read more about this month’s PLAYHACK.


PLAYHACK December - Creating Presents

· 7 min read
Nathan Patel
Technical Blogger

PLAYHACK is our fun monthly game building session. Throughout the month I’ll be posting tips and tricks to help you get a game made by the end of the month. Don’t forget, these are just examples. You can make any game you like. Read more about this month’s PLAYHACK.


Physically Based Rendering comes to WebGL

· 2 min read

If you're working with real-time 3D, chances are that you want your scenes to look physically accurate. For many years, graphics engines have relied on a non-physical approximations without respect to energy conservation and had problems with properly decoupling lighting from the actual material properties. In recent times, huge advances have been made to formulate more accurate shading approaches as well as provide sensible material inputs, which could approximate many types of surfaces without using hacks and tweaks for each scene and lighting conditions. This is a collection of techniques and art-producing approaches often referred to as Physically Based Rendering, or PBR.


· 3 min read
Community Manager

Ludum Dare 31 has come and gone, but many great projects featured PlayCanvas over the course of the weekend. Here's your round up for our involvement in one of the most popular Game Jams in the world.

Winter Blast

PLAYHACK December - Player Character

· 9 min read
Nathan Patel
Technical Blogger

PLAYHACK is our fun monthly game building session. Throughout the month I'll be posting tips and tricks to help you get a game made by the end of the month. Don’t forget, these are just examples. You can make any game you like. Read more about this month's PLAYHACK.


PlayCanvas Update 5/12/14

· 3 min read
Community Manager

Its been a year full of huge announcements for us and the first iteration our Asset Store is certainly no small matter. From the PlayCanvas Store to a Ludum Dare deal (and everything in between), here's what has happened at PlayCanvas over the past week.

PLAYHACK December: Jolly Santa

· 3 min read
Community Manager


If spending part of your December making a festively themed game doesn't get you in the mood for the Christmas season, we don't know what will.

Its December 2014 and before the year is out we have a festive game jam for you to test your skills in.

PlayCanvas Update 21/11/14

· 3 min read
Community Manager

We haven't been keeping up our weekly update as much as we really should and for that we are eternally sorry. However, from a new particle system beta to the even newer watching and starring functions this week is no disappointment. Lets go!


PlayCanvas Referrals Program

· 2 min read

The PlayCanvas Community is growing all the time and we know that some of that growth is down to your hard work in promoting the engine.

Last month we introduced the Devlog to help strengthen the PlayCanvas community and this month we're launching our Referrals program. It's our way of saying thank you for using and sharing our engine. PlayCanvas simply wouldn't work without you, our community.