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Friday Assets Mega-update

· 3 min read

Drag and Drop, uploading and thumbnails, no longer a pain in the asset.

This week has been the week of the Asset at PlayCanvas. We taken a long hard look at how we add and use Assets and we've buffed and polished the process, taking off the ragged edges so that your workflow is now super smooth. Plus our big new feature, the PlayCanvas Asset Library. Find out more below

Use pre-made 3D models in your game
Use pre-made 3D models in your game

Who Ludum Dares Wins!

· One min read

Submit a game to Ludum Dare and get a 1 year pro account for free!

At PlayCanvas we love to Jam. Specifically, we love to Game Jam. And of all the Game Jams, the one we love the most is the "build a game in a weekend with nothing more than your wits" Jam called Ludum Dare.

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